ASTHMA symptoms affect more than five million people in the UK. Patients could lower their risk of a deadly asthma attack by exercising, said charity Asthma UK. This is one of the best ways to prevent signs of the lung condition.
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Almost 1,500 people die from asthma every year, revealed charity Asthma UK.
The condition’s symptoms are caused by inflamed and sensitive airways, that become clogged up with sticky mucus, said the NHS.
One of the best ways to lower patients’ risk of a deadly asthma attack is to keep fit.
Cricket is a great, asthma-friendly sport, the charity said.
It gives patients time to rest and catch their breath before another burst of activity, it said.
Team sports in general are a good idea to control asthma symptoms.
If cricket isn’t your thing, try taking up netball or rounders, said Asthma UK.
“The key message is that as long as you’re looking after your asthma well, and your symptoms are under control, you can enjoy any type of exercise, whether you choose to go for a brisk walk every day, join an exercise class, or even sign up for a marathon,” it added.
“And by giving your lungs a regular workout you’ll also cut your risk of asthma symptoms.
“If your asthma is well controlled and you’re feeling fit and well there’s no reason to limit your choice of exercise.
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Asthma UK: Lower asthma attack symptoms risk with cricket exercise
“But if your asthma’s not so good at the moment, you’re new to exercise or haven’t done any for a while you might find that moderate intensity aerobic activities suit you better.”
Regular exercise could reduce asthma symptoms by improving how well the lungs work.
It could also boost patients’ immune system, so asthma is likely likely to be triggered by coughs or colds.
Exercising could also lower patients’ risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, diabetes, and some types of cancer.
Everyone should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity every week, said the NHS.
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Asthma UK: Cricket is a great exercise for asthmatics
Uncontrolled asthma can lead to a deadly asthma attack.
Asthma attacks kill around three people everyday in the UK, but every 10 seconds someone has a potentially fatal attack.
Signs of an asthma attack include extreme breathlessness, coughing, a tummy or chest ache, and rapid breathing.
Call 999 for an ambulance if your blue, reliever inhaler isn’t working, or if you don’t have your inhaler with you when you have an attack.
The NHS spends about £1bn a year treating and caring for asthma patients.
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