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How do you helping a choking cat, stem the bleeding on a wounded paw, treat a pet having a seizure, or cool down a dog with heat stroke?

There’s no doubt we love our pets but do you know how to provide them with lifesaving care in an emergency?
How do you helping a choking cat, stem the bleeding on a wounded paw, treat a pet having a seizure, or cool down a dog with heat stroke?
These are some of the crucial lessons being given at a first-of-its-kind pet first aid course in Dumbarton.

Those behind the Vets4Pets training course say the quick actions of owners – before they make it to the vet surgery – could be the difference between life and death for seriously ill or injured cats, dogs and other furry creatures.
The pioneering new course – which will be the first in West Dunbartonshire – will provide owners with important information on dealing with animal emergencies from fractures and bleeding to what to do if your pet is not breathing.
Staff at the surgery, at Pets At Home in St James Retail Park, decided to set up the course as they often deal with a pets which would benefit from animal first aid.

Veterinary nurse Stacey Mooney, who will be teaching the classes alongside colleague and vet Stuart Kerr, said: “Knowing basic first aid for your pet is very helpful and in some cases it could save a pets life.
“Being able to treat your pet quickly and even sometimes doing one or two basic things can make a huge difference and help us get the best outcome for the animal.
“Especially in situations where time is of the essence and just getting that 10 minutes of first aid can really help.
“In some cases, our natural first instincts may not be the best course of action so to have basic facts on what to do is important.”
Due to the growing interest in the first aid course, the practice plans to run a number of classes to ensure as many pet owners as possible can take part, with the first training class set to take place next month.
Staff also plan to run other courses throughout the year, including training in caring for exotic animals.
Stacey added: “This is something we have wanted to launch for some time but we were still surprised to get such a good response from people.