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The seven first aid myths paramedics are keen to debunk once and for all

Surely no one is still using these first aid procedures. If you want to learn about first aid come to one of our first aid courses in Canberra. We will make sure we dispel any poor advice you were taught in your last first aid course. It is important that you check out reviews of first aid courses before going along as there are some not great first aid courses out there and we want you to get the best training possible.

Pouring urine on a jellyfish sting. Sucking the venom out of a snake bite.

They are just some of the myths which have been circulating for years all over the world as effective first aid treatments.

But St John Ambulance is keen to debunk every single one of them, once and for all.

SJA’s top first aid trainer, Rondel Dancer, says in actual fact, such myths are doing more harm than good.

Some sound silly, laughable, but others are just downright dangerous, Ms Dancer says.

In her 25 years as a first aid educator Ms Dancer said she had “heard it all” when it comes to first aid myths and old wives’ tales.

Rondel Dancer is St John Ambulance WA’s First Aid Training Team Leader.Rondel Dancer is the First Aid Training Team Leader for St John Ambulance WA. Photo: supplied

Below are seven myths SJA wants to eradicate from people’s thinking for good. It could save your or someone else’s life.

1. Urinating on a jellyfish sting:

This is one of the more common first aid myths out there. It even appeared on an episode Friends back in 1997.

The theory is that the acidity of urine can blunt the stinging sensation caused when you come into contact with a jellyfish’s tentacles. This is true to a certain extent but not all urine is acidic enough to make a difference. Apart from being a bit gross, this is more likely to cause greater pain by triggering stinging cells that have been transferred from the tentacles to the patient’s body.

Rondel’s advice:

Be sure to rinse the area with salt water, not freshwater. Freshwater will prolong the pain by setting off those stinging cells. Once the tentacle has been gently washed off, apply either an ice or heat pack to reduce inflammation. Vinegar is another handy treatment option, but only for tropical jellyfish stings. If you’re unlucky enough to be stung by a Box Jellyfish seek medical assistance asap as they are among the most deadly animals on the planet!

Box jellyfish were responsible for three fatalities between 2000 and 2013.Box jellyfish were responsible for three fatalities between 2000 and 2013. Photo: National Geographic

2. Sucking the venom out of a snake bite:

Not only is this ineffective, it’s also downright dangerous. A common scene from old western and cowboy movies, sucking the venom from a snakebite actually damages tissue around the bite and can quicken the spread of venom around the patient’s body. Once bitten, a snake’s venom will spread quickly to a person’s lymphatic system and it’s an exercise in futility to attempt to suck it out.

Rondel’s advice:

Time is the critical factor when it comes to treating snake bites. The first thing you should do is call an ambulance. While the ambulance is en route keep the patient still and calm. Lay them flat and wrap a bandage around the wound before applying a pressure bandage, starting from the extremities of the limb, wrapping towards the body.

National Zoo and Aquarium Kernel, American Corn Snake, Pantherophis guttatus Photo by Rohan Thomson Please contact The Canberra Times - Scott Hannaford or Karleen Minney before use. 62802211Sucking the venom from a snakebite is not only a myth, its also dangerous. Photo: Rohan Thomson

3. Scraping off a bee sting:

While technically, this one isn’t exactly a myth because it is true that a bee sting can be removed by scraping it off the skin. However, the most important factor when treating bee stings is time. A bee sting will continue pumping venom into the skin after the bee has flown away, meaning the longer it’s in there, the more pain someone will experience.

Rondel’s advice:

Get that stinger out as quickly as possible. A bee sting won’t penetrate deeply into the skin and can be brushed, flicked, scraped or grabbed. Just don’t attempt to squeeze it out as this will release venom faster, cause more pain, and probably be ineffective.

4. Putting butter on burns:

German Surgeon General Friedrich Von Esmarch – the founder of modern first aid – missed the mark when he recommended applying butter, oil or grease to burns. Von Esmarch’s theory was that butter helped seal burns from air and prevent infection. But as anyone who’s spent time in the kitchen knows, oil is a great conductor of heat and far from an ideal treatment option for a burn victim. It also increases the risk of infection and is better left in the fridge.

Rondel’s advice:

Regardless of the size or severity of the burn the most important thing to do is immediately place the affected area under cool, gently running water. This not only soothes the burn, but also helps reduce scarring and can limit the amount of time a patient may need to spend in hospital. Keep the water running for at least 20 minutes and if possible, remove any clothing or coverings from the wound (unless melted to the skin). Remember not to place ice or frozen packs on the affected area as these are too cold and can often cause burns of their own. Also avoid creams or bandages and seek medical attention if necessary. And remember to keep the butter and oil in the pantry where it belongs.

5. Warming up a hypothermia victim by giving them alcohol:

Many people will tell you they feel warmer after having a glass or two of their favourite tipple. Alcohol does make you “feel” warmer as heat rushes to dilated blood vessels close to the skin’s surface. However, this has the effect of actually dropping your core temperature which can be very dangerous, especially for someone suffering hypothermia.

Rondel’s advice:

Hypothermia can set in when body temperature falls below 35 degrees and common symptoms include severe shivering, slurred speech, and a slowed heart rate. People experiencing or at risk of hypothermia should remove any wet or damp clothes if possible, wrap themselves in a blanket and cover their heads with a beanie. A warm drink will also help, just make sure to steer clear of beer and spirits.

6. Using raw meat on a black eye: 

This is yet another myth that has its roots in Hollywood and is much more fiction than fact. Because meat is cold, some believe that it helps reduce swelling and inflammation. In reality, you risk infection by transferring bacteria from the meat into your eye.

Rondel’s advice:

Keep steak in the fridge and use a cold pack instead. Make sure it’s wrapped in a cloth or a towel to avoid potential frost bite and remember to always keep ice away from your eye as it can cause damage. If you experience blurred vision or other eyesight problems, seek medical attention as soon as possible. A pack of frozen peas can however be a good substitute though if you don’t have an icepack or compress.

raw meat  steak  generic istock  red meatRaw meat on a black eye is a big no no.

7. Rubbing your eye when you get a foreign substance in it:

Rubbing your eyes causes tears, so you could be forgiven for thinking it’s a good way to flush out a foreign substance. However, rubbing your eye can actually cause damage by scratching the eyeball, particularly if the substance is something coarse like sand.

Rondel’s advice:

Try rinsing your eye with cold water instead. This is likely to be more effective and there’s less risk of permanent injury. Many first aid kits come with eye flush solution which is also a good option. If this doesn’t work, cover the eye and seek medical assistance.


10 Ways To Teach Children About Basic First Aid

We love this article at first aid courses in Canberra. We hope you enjoy this as well. We are trying to get the emphasis to schools in the local Canberra about the importance of first aid training for their staff but this article on explaining first aid to students/kids is great. Our first aid courses are designed for adults but we can come to you and complete a basic children’s first aid course so that they are aware especially of when to call 000. Some great ideas before you attend a first aid course here though.

“Mom, give me some ice.” Ranvir, 6, and Viraj, 4, hardly ever seem to get along. One can spot them getting on their mother’s nerves on several occasions. “Such is the case with siblings, especially boys, I guess,” says their mom, Smriti.

Last week however, Ranvir surprised his mother when he came running into the kitchen looking for ice. His brother had fallen off the bed and had got a bump on his head.

“Not only did Ranvir cajole Viraj, he even applied ice and an antiseptic cream on the wound,” says Smriti, proudly.

Smriti says that she feels a certain sense of relief knowing that her child is well equipped to be a caregiver in case there’s a need. “These are required skills you know and should not be looked upon as burdening the child.”

It’s comforting to know that children are competent, especially when it comes to first aid. “Nobody can misguide them,” she says. Plus, these are survival strategies that human beings should know.

Knowing first aid can be fascinating for children if we use the right methods. All we need to do is combine learning with our day-to-day slips and falls; our job is done.

Want to know how? Read the following 10 tips:

1) Wounds as stories

“I treat wounds while giving tips.”

Pranali, mother of a four-year-old, explains every step of the first aid that she gives to her child. Recently, he fell down the stairs and bruised his knee.

“I’m cleaning the wound with antiseptic first. This avoids infection,” she said as she started first aid. Then, she went on to explain that after cleaning, she is applying an antiseptic cream.

“I was crossing my fingers because he licks everything,” she chuckles and explains how her son took the tube of cream in his hands and looked at it as she applied.

“Shaurya stops crying and gets distracted when I involve him in doing his own first aid. I think he learns and remembers my tips,” says Pranali.

If you’re comfortable and calm while giving first aid to your child, you can help him/her remain calm during medical emergencies too. Also, you’re teaching first aid.

Sounds cool. Doesn’t it?

2) Replicate

“He’s a lot into superheroes. They thrill him,” says Ashish. His seven-year-old enjoys action-packed films and does not get anxious or scared when he witnesses accidents. That gave Ashish an idea to teach his son about first aid by replicating a few things at home.

“I used socks and cotton balls to display swellings,” when his son had wanted to see what a swelling around a wound looked like. Ashish also showed him the way to tie bandages.

“I put some tomato sauce on my arm, told my son that a wound bleeds like that, and taught him how to bandage it. The sauce made it fun!”

Ashish believes that there’s no harm being realistic with your children. They need to know how the human body reacts during adverse situations so that, god forbid, if they are in similar situations, they know what to do.

Makes sense!

Doctor doctor!3) Play doctor

Well, this is a tried and tested, age-old method that still works. Playing doctor with young kids teaches them a lot about medical emergencies while maintaining a dose of fun.

“I don’t want him to get nightmares about cuts and wounds,” says Anamika. Her son is barely three and they’ve recently bought him a doctor’s kit. Since he wants to learn how to use it, she uses playtime to teach him about first aid.

“I know he is still too young, but I thought why not start now,” she explains.

Children learn fast when they find fun and relaxation in learning which is why Anamika feels that planning out serious first-aid sessions may not work with her son. During his natural urge for playing doctor, she is teaching her son about injuries, falls, and accidents.

“He listens to it like a story. Later, he’ll know better and by then, we’ll have bypassed the fear,” she exclaims.

First aid kit!4) Make a kit

Mumbai-based preschool teacher Jhanvi tells me that making a first-aid kit together is a good way to teach children the uses of each thing that go into the kit.

It also helps them understand that the first-aid kit is to be used in case of an emergency, it isn’t a toy.

“Yes, many times my kids play with the kit and spoil the contents, especially creams. It’s risky but I need to keep the kit easy-to-reach too,” says Dipika, mother to two boys.

Making a kit together will work as a DIY activity as well as a session on the importance of first aid. Try it!

5) The priority list

“My daughter does not have patience to sit and listen. Even if it’s her favourite activity, I cannot make her sit for more than 10 minutes at a stretch.”

Ridhima’s daughter is like any other kid—she lacks patience. Making a priority list of problems where first aid might be required and teaching children about those aspects first, helps curb this problem.

So, what can be included in this list?

  • Stopping a wound from bleeding
  • Holding nostrils to stop a nosebleed
  • Running a burnt body part under water
  • Putting ice over swellings

“We made a decorated chart with kids where we drew different body parts and basic first aid for them. It was fun,” says Shradha from Notre Dame Academy, Patna.

Why don’t you try making a quick chart or list too?

6) ‘Might’ happen and not ‘will’ happen

“Don’t scare them by saying that these things will happen. That’s key to teaching first aid,” says Dr Thakrey from Mumbai-based Sai Swasthya Clinic.

“Make them feel like superheroes who have the power during any medical emergency,” he says. He explains that describing to children the gory details, plus how important it’s to manage oneself during a medical problem will scare them and first aid should work as a fun tool.

“Kids are smart enough to apply knowledge when needed, we need not push it,” he concludes.

7) All that breaks

“I introduced him to first aid for fractures by using a doll. By slowly bending the doll’s limbs, I spoke about cracked bones and he listened to me, mesmerised,” says Sheena.

Sheena is a dentist who is currently a stay-at-home mom. She enjoys passing on her medical knowledge to her six-year-old.

Sheena says that talking to kids about bones and blood supply grabs their interest. “These things are real and there’s a lot of fun in reality,” she says. She has explained to her son that when bones get hurt, blood oozes out from them, which is why they hurt so much.

In these times, one must be patient with the person who is suffering the pain. Secondly, if he comes across someone who has fallen or is complaining of a hurting bone, he should immediately call another adult to help. Calling for help is also first aid.

First aid for fractures and sprains also means making the person who has fallen sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Not touching the hurting bone is the last, but most important rule.

“Helping out without a first-aid kit also comes under first aid, doesn’t it?” asks Sheena and I agree. Don’t you?

8) Raise an alarm!

“They should know that calling an adult to help is sometimes the best help they can provide,” says Dr Thakrey.

Shalini, a marketing executive with a cosmetics firm and mother of two, says that children should be taught to raise an alarm. It’s not their job to assess a situation. By raising alarms during medical emergencies, they will help themselves out of the situation and help the person in need too.

So, teach them to raise an alarm!

9) Mind over matter!

“We dropped him and went grocery shopping next door. Our cell phones were out of reach in that basement shop. He managed alone!”

Swayam had hurt himself at the football field and was feeling faint after that. His coach did some first aid and thereafter, tried calling Swayam’s parents. He was not able to get across to them, but felt helpless since the rest of the team of six-year-olds could not have been left unattended.

While Swayam sat in a corner and waited for his parents, he decided to breathe and stay calm. He pulled out his napkin and pressed his wounds till he felt better.

“We arrived and panicked when we saw the coach panicking around him. But our son stayed calm,” say Swayam’s parents.

They add that we might not always have resources for first aid and even if we have them, they may not work if there is no presence of mind. So along with first aid, teach your kids to employ their minds too!

10) A kid is but a kid!

“Every time I talk about first aid, I talk about personal safety first,” says Swati.

She believes that the safety of her two sons is more important than them helping out. “You can’t jump into a pool to save someone even if you know how to swim,” she tells her kids.

Dr Thakrey says, “Kids are taught first aid to help. That does not mean that they fix other’s problems on their own. They also need to be taught whether a situation demands first aid or not.”

“Getting close to open wires, people who have burnt themselves, or someone injured on the road is not the business of kids,” he adds

“I don’t talk to my sons about all the scary things that might happen,” says Swati.

Don’t you think she’s right? Children need not worry about consequences as they learn first aid. All they need to focus on is that knowledge is fun and that they can help themselves if certain situations arise.

As they say, knowledge is power!

What are the ways in which you teach first aid skills to your child? Share a couple of ideas with us in the ‘Comments’ section below.


How to save a life – first-aid advice you’ll actually remember

The bystander affect is a thing people. Time to book in to a first aid course so that you and your family are ready in the case of a first aid emergency situation. Our first aid courses cost minimal time and money and can get you ready for the moment. Canberra First Aid Courses are fun and academic get involved today.

A British Heart Foundation report suggests that our reluctance to intervene is killing people who are in cardiac arrest. Here are some simple, memorable steps you can take to help

CPR should be given to the rhythm of Stayin’ Alive (about 100-120 beats per minute).
CPR should be given to the rhythm of Stayin’ Alive (about 100-120 beats per minute). Photograph: Ruth Jenkinson/Getty Images/Dorling Kindersley

What would you do if you saw someone collapse, clutching his chest? Spring into action, or trust that somebody else might? Maybe it’s not that serious, I think he’ll be OK. Wouldn’t want to cause a fuss, right? Well quite possibly he isn’t OK, and, according to a new report, only three or four in 10 of us intervene in these circumstances, at the cost of thousands of lives.

Resuscitation to Recovery, published this week by the British Heart Foundation (BHF), reveals that a lack of confidence and training – and even a fear of embarrassment – are killing cardiac arrest victims. The stats are stark: survival chances drop by around 10% with each minute without a shock to the heart, either by CPR or a defibrillator. After 10 minutes, survival chances drop to 2%.

“The most common thing people say to us is they wouldn’t do anything because they wouldn’t want to make things worse,” says Clive James, a trainer with St John Ambulance. “But in the case of cardiac arrest, you can’t make it worse because if you don’t do something that person will die.”

Waiting for an ambulance is not an option, and the report estimates that 1,000 lives a year could be saved with improved training and awareness, and the provision of more public defibrillators, which carry simple instructions.

James, 52, who started learning first aid as a nine-year-old cadet, says aide-memoires are vital in making advice stick, and giving people the confidence to act. In the case of CPR, he advises providers to compress the chest to the rhythm of Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees (a method famously advocated by Vinnie Jones in a 2012 BHF advert). “It used to be Nellie the Elephant but the key is that it’s faster than people think,” he says (about 100-120 beats per minute).

St John Ambulance also uses “FAST” for spotting the signs of a stroke (Facial weakness; Arm weakness; Speech problems; Time to call 999). For choking victims, there are four steps: cough; slap; squeeze it out; call for help (encourage the person to cough, use five sharp blows to the back, squeeze out the obstruction using up to five abdominal thrusts or Heimlich manoeuvres, then, if all else fails, call). The final step is call for help.

The new report also illustrates how first-aid advice evolves, incorporating new research. “When I started there are things we’d consider to be barbaric today,” James says. Broken collar bones were bandaged forcefully in such a way to separate the bones. “Now we just say get the arm into the most comfortable position for the person to get them to hospital.”

In 2014, St John Ambulance issued new advice on helping choking babies. Previously, parents were told to place the child face down along one forearm and strike the baby’s back with the other hand. Now the advice is to place the baby on a thigh while sitting down, supporting it with one hand while striking with the other (five times with the heel of the hand between the shoulder blades).

Amazingly, first-aid training is still not required in schools. In 2015, the BHF, St John Ambulance and the British Red Cross expressed their dismay after Tory backbenchers blocked a bill that would have made it compulsory in secondary schools. In the meantime, awareness is key. “Nobody should ever be afraid to help someone in need,” James says.


Level 2 and 3 job-starters must have first-aid training

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All newly qualified Level 2 and 3 entrants to the early years workforce must have a paediatric first-aid (PFA) certificate within three months of starting work in order to be included in ratios.


Suggested training providers include St John Ambulance

All newly qualified Level 2 and 3 entrants to the early years workforce must have a paediatric first-aid (PFA) certificate within three months of starting work in order to be included in ratios.

The requirement, originally intended to start in September 2016, has been added to the revised Early Years Foundation Stage framework, effective from 3 April.

The EYFS now says all entrants who completed a Level 2 or 3 qualification on or after 30 June 2016 must have either a full PFA or an emergency PFA certificate.

Newly qualified entrants include staff who had been apprentices or long-term students and have gained a Level 2 or 3.

Those who started work between 20 June 2016 and 2 April 2017 must hold either of the certificates by 2 July 2017 to be included in ratios.

Providers can make an exemption if staff are unable to gain a certificate due to disability.

Annex A of the framework provides further detail of what training has to be completed in order to obtain either a full or emergency PFA certificate (see box, right).

It states that settings are responsible for identifying and selecting a ‘competent’ training provider to deliver their PFA training. A number of training providers are suggested, including St John Ambulance, the Red Cross and St Andrew’s First Aid.

Training for the full PFA should last a minimum of 12 hours, and a minimum of six hours for the emergency PFA.

The certificates should be displayed in settings or made available to parents and renewed every three years.


The revised framework also incorporates the new Level 3 qualification requirements, replacing the GCSE-only rule.

It states, ‘To count in the ratios at Level 3, staff holding an Early Years Educator qualification must also have achieved a suitable Level 2 qualification in English and maths as defined by the Department for Education on the Early Years Qualifications List published on GOV.UK.’

Other updates include references to the Prevent Duty guidance, and training for staff on female genital mutilation.

The new framework says ‘training made available by the provider must enable staff to identify signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity, and to respond in a timely and appropriate way. These may include – any reasons to suspect neglect or abuse outside the setting, for example in the child’s home, or that a girl may have been subjected to (or is at risk of) female genital mutilation.’

There is also information about DBS disclosures and barred list, which reminds providers to check disclosures for employees and consider whether they contain any information that would suggest a person is unsuitable for a position before they start work with children.

It says providers can check the status of a disclosure if a potential or existing employee has subscribed to the online DBS Update service. Where a check identifies there has been a change to the disclosure details, an enhanced DBS disclosure must be applied for.


Mention is also given to the 2011 physical activity guidelines, to which providers ‘may wish to refer’. Dr Lala Manners, director of Active Matters, said this does not go far enough.

In a letter to Nursery World, Dr Manners said, ‘The Chief Medical Officers’ guidelines have been relegated to a footnote on page eight, as “guidance on physical activity that providers may wish to refer to”.

‘What an abject dereliction of duty by all concerned. Where is the incentive for anyone to read, let alone implement or embed, these guidelines in daily practice?

‘How come an initiative that was deemed important enough by the Department of Health to be included in the Obesity Strategy is considered completely superfluous by the DfE?’

  • Read Dr Manners’ letter.


The full PFA training covers:

  • What to do if a child is having an anaphylactic shock or electric shock;
  • has suffered burns or scalds, a suspected fracture, head, neck or back injuries;
  • has suspected poisoning, a foreign body, eye injury, bite or sting;
  • is suffering from the effects of extreme heat or cold; or
  • is having a diabetic emergency, an asthma attack, allergic reaction or suspected meningitis.
  • Understanding the role and responsibilities of a paediatric first-aider.

The emergency PFA covers:

  • Assessing an emergency situation and prioritising what action to take.
  • Helping a baby or child who is unresponsive and breathing normally or not breathing normally.
  • Helping a baby or child having a seizure, choking or bleeding, or suffering from shock caused by severe blood loss.

Great news in the UK that many more workers are going to require a first aid course so that they can work. Make sure you get yourself trained at a local first aid course so you can get ready in case of an emergency or if this requirement comes to fruition in Australia.


Top Ten First Aid Tips

Book in to one of our first aid curses in Canberra to get our top ten tips. These are good but we can teach you the skills to administer first aid also. So get trained in a first aid course today.


Top Ten First Aid Tips
Timely assistance, comprising of simple medical techniques, is most critical to victims.
First aid is the life saving, critical help given to an injured or a sick person before medical aid arrives. This timely assistance, comprising of simple medical techniques, is most critical to the victims and is, often, life saving. Any layperson can be trained to administer first aid, which can be carried out using minimal equipments.

Bleeding nose
A nosebleed occurs when blood vessels inside the nose break. Because they’re delicate, this can happen easily. When this happens, lean slightly forward and pinch your nose just below the bridge, where the cartilage and the bone come together. Maintain the pressure for 5 to 15 minutes. Pressing an ice pack against the bridge can also help. Do not tilt your head back if your nose bleeds as you may swallow blood which can potentially go in your lungs. If the bleeding doesn’t stop after 20 minutes or if it accompanies a headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, or vision problems, please consult a health expert.

A Sprain
Sprains occur when the ligaments surrounding a joint are pulled beyond their normal range. Sprains are often accompanied by bruising and swelling. Alternately apply and remove ice every 20 minutes throughout the first day. Wrapping the joint with an elastic compression bandage and elevating the limb may also help. Stay off the injury for at least 24 hours. After that, apply heat to promote blood flow to the area. If the injury doesn’t improve in a few days, you may have a fracture or a muscle or ligament tear so call a doctor.

A Burn
If there’s a burn place it under cool (not cold) running water, submerge it in a bath and loosely bandage a first- or second-degree burn for protection. Do not put an ice pack on major burns. Ice can damage the skin and worsen the injury. Don’t pop blisters. Don’t apply an antibiotic or butter to burns as this can breed infection. First-degree burns produce redness while second-degree burns cause blisters and third-degree burns result in broken or blackened skin. Rush to doctor if the victim is
coughing, has watery eyes, or is having trouble breathing.

True choking is rare but when a person is really choking, he can’t cough strongly, speak, or breathe, and his face may turn red or blue. For a victim of age one or older have the person lean forward and, using the palm of your hand, strike his back between the shoulder blades five times. If that doesn’t work, stand behind the victim, place one fist above the belly button, cup the fist with your other hand, and push in and up toward the ribs five times. If you’re alone, press your abdomen against something firm or use your hands. Do not give water or anything else to someone who is coughing.


Potential household hazards include cleaning supplies, carbon monoxide and pesticides. Bites and stings can also be poisonous to some people. If a person is unconscious or having trouble breathing, call the doctor. Do not wait until symptoms appear to call for help. And don’t try to induce vomiting. The poison could cause additional damage when it comes back up. The victim shouldn’t eat or drink anything in case of suspected poisoning.

Animal Bites
In case of an animal bite, stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure until it stops. Gently clean with soap and warm water. Rinse for several minutes after cleaning. Apply antibiotic cream to reduce risk of infection, and cover with a sterile bandage. Get medical help if the animal bite is more than a superficial scratch or if the animal was a wild or stray one, regardless of the severity of the injury.

Ice the area on and off for the first 24-48 hours. Apply ice for about 15 minutes at a time, and always put something like a towel or wash cloth between the ice and your skin. Take a painkiller if there is pain. Visit your doctor if the bruise is accompanied with extreme pain, swelling or redness; if the person is taking a blood-thinning medication or if he /she cannot move a joint or may have a broken bone.

During diarrhea its essential to treat dehydration. Give an adult plenty of clear fluid, like fruit juices, soda, sports drinks and clear broth. Avoid milk or milk-based products and caffeine while you have diarrhea and for 3 to 5 days after you get better. Milk can make diarrhea worse. Give a child or infant frequent sips of a rehydration solution. Make sure the person drinks more fluids than they are losing through diarrhea. Have the person rest as needed and avoid strenuous exercise. Keep a sick child home from school and give banana, rice, apple and toast. For an adult, add semisolid and low-fiber foods gradually as diarrhea stops. Avoid spicy, greasy, or fatty foods.

Eye Injury
If there is chemical exposure, don’t rub your eyes. Immediately wash out the eye with lots of water and get medical help while you are doing this. Do not bandage the eye. If there has been a blow to the eye apply a cold compress, but don’t put pressure on the eye. If there is any bruising, bleeding, change in vision, or if it hurts when the eye moves, see a doctor right away. For a foreign particle in the eye – don’t rub the eye, pull the upper lid down and blink repeatedly. If particle is still there, rinse with eyewash. If this too doesn’t help, see your doctor.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.


EMS providers to receive mental health first aid training

Mental health first aid is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis

Mental Health Commission

OTTAWA, Ontario — Mental Health First Aid Canada and St. John Ambulance announced a new agreement that will increase the number of instructors equipped to offer mental health first aid training.

MHFA Canada will train at least 40 St. John Ambulance instructors in mental health first aid, who will in turn teach the course on behalf of St. John Ambulance.

“Mental health first aid should be made as accessible to Canadians as physical first aid,” Louise Bradley, Mental Health Commission of Canada president and CEO, said. “Our partnership with St. John Ambulance is a significant step toward making that a reality.”

Mental health first aid is the help provided to a person developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. Just as physical first aid is administered to an injured person before medical treatment can be obtained, it is given until appropriate treatment is found or the crisis is resolved.

“Mental health problems and illnesses affect 1 in 5 Canadians in a given year,” Allan Smith, St. John Ambulance CEO, said. “As an industry leader in first aid, adding a focus on mental health will further St. John Ambulance’s mission to improve the health, safety and quality of life of Canadians at work, home and play.”

The MHFA Canada program aims to improve mental health literacy and provide the skills and knowledge to help people better manage potential or developing mental health problems in themselves, family members, friends or colleagues.

Great news for those in the first aid industry and also learning to be a paramedic. Mental Health first aid is one of the biggest issues starting to face society. It will soon be more important for people to learn these skills than your everyday first aid.


Could you save your child’s life if they fell ill or had an accident?

Here is a good first aid training article from Belfast. Make sure you get yourself in to a first aid training course in Canberra. We offer great first aid training courses at a cheap cost and we believe we offer an excellent session also. First aid training will give you the skills to save a life and you will be grateful you spent the money to save a family member in need.


Precious life: it’s very important parents know what to do if their child falls unexpectedly ill22
Precious life: it’s very important parents know what to do if their child falls unexpectedly ill

Although more than 60 children a year die due to accidents in the home, almost a quarter of parents admit they don’t have any baby or child first aid knowledge.

A new study shows 21% of mums and dads have been forced to give a child emergency first aid, but only 31% said they felt confident doing it.

Instead, 38% were terrified the child could die, 20% were worried they would be left injured, and 11% panicked and froze completely.

As a result, St John Ambulance and the parenting channel ChannelMum.com have teamed up to produce a new video first aid course that features vital first aid techniques and signs of common illnesses, plus tips from TV GP Dr Dawn Harper, and real-life experiences from mummy vloggers like Charlie O’Brien.

The seven-video series can be viewed at www.channelmum.com/topic/first-aid

Isobel Kearl, national training officer at St John Ambulance, says the videos are a great starting point for parent first aid and highlight how easy and quick it is to learn essential life-saving skills.

She stresses: “For parents looking to further their first aid knowledge, our basic first aid courses take between just three to six hours and give hands-on experience. Once parents know what they are doing, they have the confidence to take action quickly and are able to act if needed.”

The ChannelMum study found the most frightening first aid scenario for parents is choking, with 53% saying it was their biggest fear. Almost a quarter of parents have faced the reality of their child choking.

The next most alarming situation is a seizure – with 14% of parents reporting their child has had one – followed by a severe allergic reaction, experienced by one in 20. Meningitis was a very real fear for 6% of parents, and 16% have had to treat their child for a burn. In addition, almost one in 10 has given CPR to a child.

The survey of 2,000 adults showed becoming a parent was the biggest trigger for 55% of parents who wanted to improve first aid knowledge, compared to just 11% who went on to learn more first aid after having a serious accident themselves.

The poll also revealed 84% of parents attempt to childproof their home to reduce the risk of accidents. However, just 42% keep a first aid kit at home.

And while 82% of families ensure they keep medicines out of children’s reach, over a third (36%) admit they leave laundry items, which can be toxic, within children’s grasp, and 54% have yet to secure TVs to stop them falling. A further 43% don’t tie up blind cords, despite them being linked to several child deaths.

Parents correctly identified that one minute a day spent learning first aid and minimising risks can cut the chance of children having a serious accident or needing first aid.

Siobhan Freegard, founder of ChannelMum.com says: “Giving first aid to a baby or child can be frightening, but not as frightening as not knowing what to do.

“We want to reassure parents they can learn first aid basics quickly, and they could make all the difference if their child, or someone else’s, falls ill.”

Quick life-saving tips


Always cut food lengthways.

If your child is choking, never poke inside their mouth as this could push the blockage further down.


Any burn bigger than your child’s palm needs urgent medical attention.

Put burns into cold water for at least 10 minutes.

Cover in clingfilm to keep sterile before getting help.


Have antihistamines in your home.

Treat a rash with antihistamines.

Swollen lips or tongue? Get to the hospital.


If your child has a seizure, place them gently on the floor and clear space around them.

If the seizure lasts more than two minutes, get medical help.

If your child has a seizure without a temperature, get medical help.


ABC – Airways, Breathing, Circulation.

Start with five rescue breaths, then 30 compressions/ two rescue breaths and repeat until help arrives or the child breathes.


Don’t wait for the rash – learn the other signs including joint and limb pain, light sensitivity, blotchy pale skin, flu-like illness and cold hands and feet. Babies may have a high-pitched cry.

Be aware sepsis can happen from any infection, and signs include no wet nappy for 12 hours, vomiting, convulsions, feeling cold, not feeding and hard to wake.


Under six months a fever is 38 degrees C. Over six months it’s 39 degrees C.

Never treat children with aspirin – check the medicine label.

Child not getting better after 72 hours? Get medical attention fast.

Belfast Telegraph


Doctors missing heart attack signs: study

A not so great article from the UK, doctors are missing heart attacks. Make sure you are aware of the signs and symptoms of a heart attack by attending a first aid course in Canberra. We provide first aid courses in the nations capital at a great rate. The first aid courses are fun yet challenging. We give allparticipants a free first aid course manual when you arrive.

PRESS ASSOCIATION 11:31AM March 1, 2017

One ­sixth of heart attack deaths in England might be the result of hospital doctors failing to spot potentially life threatening symptoms. The findings from a major study of almost 136,000 cases of fatal heart attack between 2006 and 2010 indicate that many patients are dying because of missed warning signs. Symptoms of a heart attack include sudden chest pain or a “crushing” sensation that might spread down either arm, while patients may also experience nausea or shortness of breath.

But some heart attacks have more subtle symptoms that can be overlooked. Of the fatal heart attack victims studied, 21,677 ­ almost 16 per cent of the total ­ had been admitted to hospital up to four weeks before their death. Yet no mention of heart attack symptoms was made in their hospital records.

Symptoms such as fainting, shortness of breath and chest pain would have been evident up to a month before death in some of these patients, said the researchers. Lead scientist Dr Perviz Asaria, from the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, said: “Doctors are very good at treating heart attacks when they are the main cause of admission, but we don’t do very well treating secondary heart attacks or at picking up subtle signs which might point to a heart attack death in the near future.”

The team examined records of 446,744 NHS hospital stays involving heart attacks between 2006 and 2010, as well as the history of all 135,950 heart attack deaths in England during the four years. The total number of patients who died included those who had a fatal heart attack in hospital or at home or elsewhere. Now the researchers, whose findings appear in The Lancet Public Health journal, are calling for a deeper investigation into why avoidable deaths were occurring. “We cannot yet say why these signs are being missed, which is why more detailed research must be conducted to make recommendations for change,” said co author Professor Majid Ezzati, also from Imperial’s School of Public Health. “This might include updated guidance for healthcare professionals, changes in clinical culture, or allowing doctors more time to examine patients and look at their previous records.”



Shark attack off Hinchinbrook Island leaves man with critical injuries

Far out, great work by those that have obviously attended a first aid course in the recent past. That fast acting from the locals has saved this mans life. Our thoughts are with him and his family. We hope that you are prepared for any first aid course you attend and ready for any emergency you come across. Book in to a first aid course at your local provider now.

By Casey Briggs and staff Updated Sun 19 Feb 2017, 12:31am

The friends of a man who was bitten multiple times on the leg by a shark in waters off far north Queensland saved his life with their rapid first aid response, paramedics say. Cairns resident Glenn Dickson was spearfishing with three friends off Hinchinbrook Island, which lies east of Cardwell, when he was attacked about 10:30am. Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) spokesman Martin Taylor said the 25­year­old suffered severe blood loss with multiple bites to his left femur and calf and lost consciousness. “The friends have immediately pulled him out of the water and applied emergency first aid,” Mr Taylor said. “They put a tourniquet up high and tight on his femur and stopped the subsequent bleeding which was quite significant. “The initial actions by the three friends have definitely saved this gentleman’s life.” QAS senior operations supervisor Neil Noble said one of the friends was an ex­naval officer with medical training. “This is a really good case where simple first aid can absolutely save a life and that’s what happened,” he said. “This is really a remarkable story and it’s quite rare and we’re really pleased that this gentleman will very likely have a positive outcome.” Mr Dickson was brought to shore by a boat and treated by paramedics on a jetty before a rescue helicopter arrived to fly him to Cairns Hospital. He was met by family on the helipad before going into surgery. “They’re pleased, they realised how close to the wire this came,” Mr Noble said. Mr Dickon went into surgery in a critical but stable condition. It was believed he was bitten by either a bull shark or a tiger shark. Topics: shark, animal­attacks, human­interest, cardwell­4849 First posted Sat 18 Feb 2017, 12:05p


Langdon student performs first aid on schoolmate injured in hit and run

I’m so happy this doesn’t happen in Australia very often. Our first aid providers have been in many emergency situations and have dealt extremely well. Book in to one of our first aid courses in Canberra so that you are trained and ready to bounce in to action if a first aid incident occurs. Canberra first aid courses every week.

A 13-year-old girl was taken to the Alberta Children’s Hospital Friday night after being hit by a vehicle in Langdon.

EMS said the vehicle that hit the girl left the scene. The teenager was flown to hospital by STARS Air Ambulance in serious but stable condition, with concern she suffered a head injury.

One of her classmates was nearby when the girl was hit and jumped in to help her out.

Nicolas Junor, 14, told Global News he completed his first-aid training a month ago through cadets.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever had to use my first aid. I took it a month ago. I was nervous and shocked and couldn’t stop shaking.”

Junor described how the girl landed after being hit, with half her body in some water and half in the ditch.

“She was flipped over head down.”

The boy said he covered her with a blanket.

“She was unconscious, having a seizure – didn’t look like broken bones. Road rash on her back, unresponsive, still breathing. I’m just praying and hope she gets better.”

According to EMS, the collision happened at Henderson Road and 4 Street N.E. just before 6 p.m.

Witnesses said it was light out at the time of the collision, and described the truck swerving at the girl and a friend before hitting them and driving off.

RCMP told Global News the vehicle is believed to have been a black truck, however, they do not know the make or model.

Police said the truck was last seen travelling east on Glenmore Trail.

RCMP continue to investigate.

Langdon is 14 kilometres east of Calgary.

With files from Jill Croteau and Kim Smith